Not only delicious, here are eleven benefits of eating Salak fruit for pregnant and fetal mothers

The benefits of eating fruit Salak for pregnant women-who does not know about Salak fruit? Of course, almost some Indonesians like to consume the wrong fruit. In addition to the sweet taste, Salak fruit also has a crispy texture of the fruit flesh. But can pregnant women eat salak fruit?

Maybe there are few people who know about safe or whether pregnant women consume salak fruit, because rumors circulating in society that says when consuming salak fruit when pregnant it can cause a problem in the stomach such as constipation and other disorders.

But the view is not true because if in consumption wisely, the fruit is still classified as safe for consumption by young expectant mothers and old expectant mothers. Because consuming Salak fruit while pregnant with a good amount can overcome some problems that often occur in pregnant women.

Well, what are the benefits of eating salak fruit for pregnant women? Following explanation according to Drozcom about the efficacy of Salak fruit for pregnant women seven to nine months:

1. Good for bone formation in fetuses

The benefit of eating the wrong fruit for the first pregnant woman is to help the formation of bones in the fetus that is in the bladder. Bone growth in the fetus is strongly influenced by a sufficient intake of calcium daily into the body of the mother. So while pregnant, the mother is strongly recommended to always meet the daily nutritional needs of a day, such as calcium.

Calcium can mother get from various types of food such as vegetables and fruits, one of the high fruits of the calcised content is Salak fruit. Where in 100 grams of fresh salak fruit can fulfill about 11% of the daily calcium needs of a pregnant mother, but the calcium needs of each pregnant mother is certainly different.

In addition to consuming in the fresh state, mother can also cultivate salak fruit to serve as chips or as a juice. But remember always not to consume salak fruit excessively.

2. Able to maintain eye health in the fetus

Consuming Salak fruit routinely not only good for the health of the body but also good to maintain the health of the eyes on the fetus that is in the womb. A content named Beta carotene is able to help the eye formation process on the fetus as well as maintain the health of his eyes until they are born later.

Some types of fruit do have beta carotene content, but the content of the beta carotene in one is quite high. In addition to the high content of Betakarotennya, Salak fruit is also very safe to be consumed by expectant mothers on a regular basis.

3. Source of natural antioxidants

As already the admin called above if Salak fruit has a very high content of beta carotene than the content of beta carotene on the mango fruit. The content of these compounds can be a source of natural antioxidants in the body and is needed by the body of the pregnant mother.

In the body, this antioxidant has a fairly important role because it can prevent from several attacks of the disease caused by free radicals such as heart disease, cancer and disorders of the fetus.

4. Able to maintain gastric acid balance

Generally, when entering the first trimester pregnancy, some women often experience nausea and vomiting. The problem is actually natural because when the pregnancy mamasuki, the body of a woman will experience hormonal change and this hormonal changes often make the body feel nauseous and also vomiting.

In addition to consuming citrus fruit, overcoming the problem of gastric acid increased can also be done by consuming salak fruit. Salak Fruit has a content that is able to neutralize gastric acid that rises drastically during the first trimester pregnant.

5. Preventing anemia

The content in Salak fruit is not only potent to overcome the problem of gastric acid increasing but it is also potent to prevent anemia in pregnant women. This is because the content of iron in Salak is able to assist the body in the process of forming new red blood cells that can automatically prevent pregnant women to have anemia.

So, if the mother has a history of anemia before pregnancy then it is good to immediately prevent it by routinely consume fruits that have high iron content like Salak fruit.

6. Good for cardiovascular health

Heart disease can affect anyone from children, adults, seniors to pregnant women. As already the admin mentioned earlier if there are many things that become the cause of heart disease such as diet, drinking and other unhealthy lifestyles.

In addition to the factors called, the risk of experiencing problems at the heart can also increase in women who are pregnant. This is because when pregnant, the heart will work 2x more weight than when not pregnant. But mothers do not have to worry because there is a simple way to prevent the thing that is to routinely consume salak fruit.

Salak fruit is also one of the fruits that has a fairly high potassium content and safe for expectant mothers consumption on a regular basis. But we need to remember, do not consume Salak fruit more than 2 pieces in a day, because if more than that can trigger the occurrence of other problems in the stomach.

7. Launching the bowel movements

Divide as people mention that consuming Salak fruit can be a trigger to cause problems in digestion such as constipation, but it is not always true because if we consume salak fruit with a reasonable amount or not excessive even can facilitate the bowel movements or prevent constipation.

The problem of constipation in pregnant women should not be addressed by consuming any medication, because some types of constipation medications can cause harmful side effects to the fetus in the womb. Then what are the natural remedies of constipation for pregnant women?

Solving the problem of constipation in pregnant women is not difficult because only by consuming fruit containing high fiber such as the wrong Buak regularly can prevent and treat the problem without causing harmful side effects.

8. Preventing excess weight gain

Sometimes while pregnant often make some women consume a lot of food and it is usually difficult to control it. In addition to fulfilling daily nutritional needs while pregnant, mood swings can also be the cause of increased appetite. The increasing appetite is good for pregnant women, but if there is a continuous trus then it is not very good because besides being able to trigger obesity (overweight) the continued appetite can also trigger the onset of other health problems.

In addition to limiting food intake every day, for pregnant women who have an increase in weight in Derastis can also do a healthy diet program for pregnant women. In the diet program, mothers are strongly in the require to consume healthy food and avoid the types of unhealthy food such as junk food.

But not only that, for pregnant women are also obliged to always consume vegetables and also fruits that are good for pregnant mothers such as Salak fruit. Because Salak fruit has a fiber content that is high enough and can make mothers feel full a little longer.

9. Help the fetus brain formation process

At the time of the brain formation in the fetus, pregnant women are certainly obliged to always maintain a diet and fulfill the needs of the nutrients needed by the body and also the fetus. In this process mothers are also strongly advised to consume more vegetables, fruits and also salmon meat.

This is because the process of brain formation in the fetus is a risky process and is very risky when some of the necessary components are not fulfilled. Therefore, in addition to consuming some of the above types of food, mothers are also obliged to present salak fruit as a compulsory fruit to be in the healthy eating menu every day.

Because Salak fruit is also one type of fruit that is rich in pectin content, where this content is an important component in assisting the process of memory formation in the brain fetus.

10. Natural remedies to ward off free radicals

As mentioned above if the nutrient content of Salak fruit is very good to maintain the health of pregnant women and also the fetus. One of the other benefits of Salak fruit is to ward off free radical attacks that go into the body.

Because free radicals that enter the body can not only cause health problems such as cough, cold, heart disease and other diseases but can also trigger problems in the growth of fetus in the womb.

11. Able to treat mild diarrhea problems

Some pregnant women who have an easily tired and weak body condition will be more susceptible to infection from pregnant women who have a body always fit. The condition of the body that is easily tired can be triggered because many things like the work factor and diet are not correct.

In general there are some types of bacteria that often attack pregnant women and become the cause of the problem of diarrhea. Diarrhea in pregnant women should not be above by consuming haphazardly drugs because it could harm the health of the fetus, but pregnant mothers can still consume natural medicines to overcome diarrhea.

There are many types of natural remedies that are safe for pregnant women consumption and one of them is Salak fruit. Salak fruit has a fairly high content of fiber and minerals and if in consumption on a regular basis can be a natural remedy for mild diarrhea in pregnant women.

Indeed, if we see above, Salak fruit does have many benefits for the health of pregnant women and the fetus but even so mothers should also consume other healthy foods so that all the nutritional needs of the body and fetus is always Fulfilled. So many information can be given, hopefully can give a useful information for all. Thanks.