Four benefits of Kelor leaf for proven health

The efficacy of kelor leaves for health – perhaps some of us are familiar with plants named Kelor. Yes, the Kelor or so-called Moringa Oleifera is one of those plants that is rich in benefits. Even in Europe there, this kelor leaf has been used as a base ingredient for medicinal manufacture, perfume to beauty products. Plants that are considered to be the mourning plant have also been examined by experts from America. And the results obtained quite create the Yammer, because this plant contains many nutrients that are beneficial to the body. Even the WHO encourages children to consume kelor leaves to avoid malnutrition.

Not only can preventing malnutrition in children, the leaves of the kelor also have other benefits. Here are some kelor leaf benefits.

Efficacy of leaf Kelor for health

1. Can treat cancer

Based on the research results that were publish in the journal Oncology Letters, it is known that the leaves of Kelor have a use to fight cancer cells in the body. This can be due to the presence of the content in the kelor leaves such as antioxidants, proteins, carotenoids, and potassium that can ward off free radicals as well as the growth of cancer cells. To get the benefits of this kelor leaf, you can make the leaf extract kelor.

The trick is to rebrand it and filter the stew water. Then drink it at least 3 times a day. This is a natural way of treating cancer. Some types of cancer that can be treated include breast cancer, lung cancer, and skin cancer.

2. Can nourish the eyes

Surely you do not think if the kelor leaves can also cure the eyes. Yes, this may sound weird. However, did you know that this kelor leaf has a fairly high content of vitamin A? Keep in mind that in 100g of kelor leaves, there are at least 3390 SI vitamins A. This amount is certainly much higher when compared to the vitamin A content in carrots. Well, to get the benefits, you just have to consume it by means of being made vegetable as usual. You can also make a kelor leaf tea and then spread it.

3. Serves to lower sugar levels

The efficacy of kelor leaves for other health is as a lowering of sugar levels in the body. A study in Mumbai, India stated that Kelor leaves turned out to be lowering glucose levels in the blood. This is due to the content of glibenclamide that is in the magic leaves. This content that serves to increase insulin secretion by pancreatic beta cells, so that sugar levels can decrease significantly. In India, Kelor leaves are also often used by communities for herbal remedies in lowering sugar levels.

4. As an antioxidant

The efficacy of the leaf kelor for the next health is as an antioxidant. This compound serves to fight free radicals in your body. If this level of free radicals is high, it will make you avoid oxidative stress, up to heart disease and diabetes. Well, to prevent it, these kelor leaves need to be consumed. Why, because Kelor leaves have the content of Quercetin that can help lower blood pressure and prevent free radicals. Moreover, there is also chlorogenic acid stabilizes the blood sugar level after eating.

Well, that's some of the efficacy of leaf kelor for your health. In addition to the above benefits, Kelor leaves also have other benefits such as can be used as food preservatives and others. For how to process them, you can choose. Want to be used as a tea, powder, or vegetable made. Obviously all these processes will not reduce the efficacy of the magic leaf. Then, when do you try the efficacy of kelor leaves? So many information can be given, hopefully can give a useful information for all. Thanks.